Thursday, July 10, 2008

Lions defeat Tigers

In a competitve battle among Jungle Cat teams, the Lions eked out a victory over their rival Tigers 10-7. The Tigers led for a good part of the game, and were within 1 goal many other times. The Lion defenders were slow to adapt to the Tigers' offense, which often consisted of getting Kyle S. and Parker F. the ball and letting them shoot. One such defensive lapse led to the Lions playing with only 4 athletes for about 2 minutes in the 2nd quarter.

The second half was a much better performance from the Lions. Employing a drop/crash against Kyle & Parker, they were able to shut down the Tiger offense while Matt Stipanovich and company raised it up a notch on the offense end.

The Lions finish the round-robin play undefeated; the Tiger's loss was their first of the summer.


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