Saturday, December 12, 2009

Coach Rick's Thoughts on Black's Game

Black played just alright in the first half and dominated the second, like it should have in the 4-2 win.

First of all, use the deep end to your advantage. In most cases, it's easier to score when your team is attacking the deep end than when you're attacking the shallow end. Recognize that and put extra pressure on offense.

The shot selection needs to be better. No matter who the goalie is, anyone should be able to stop a shot from 9 meters out. Bring the ball in! Don't get in the habit of shooting lob shots from the outside. A lob needs to be set up: try a skip shot and a couple hard shots before you shoot the lob. When you're playing the better goalies, they're going to realize that you like to lob and will come to expect it. In those cases, it will only work once or twice in a game, so pick your spots well.

If the opposing team offers you open water, take it! On counter attacks, if you can't make a safe pass and you see open water, go for it. By doing so, you will put yourself in a better position to attack or you will draw a defender away from someone else. If the other team gives you space on a 6 on 5, take it! Walk the ball hard toward the goal until someone comes to knock you down. Again, this will either put you in a better spot to attack the goal or it will open someone else up with a better shot at the net.

Another note on the 6 on 5, use the clock. On the first two 6 on 5s today, we used 2.5 seconds of a possible 40 and didn't score on either chance. Slow the ball down and set up your attack. This is a good time to wear down the other team. Jungle Cats are blessed to have a bench full of good players. Take advantage of your numbers! Swim hard and if you need a break, we'll take you out for a breather. But play as hard as you can when you're in the water.

On counter attacks, when someone sets up in front of the goal as a hole man, the counter attack is effectively over. That player needs to direct his players to set up the offense. All other drivers need to realize someone is parked in front of the net and not drive through the middle. This happened several times today. When you drove through, you brought your defender with you and the middle got clogged up. Even out the offense and run it.

Finally, a note to 2 meter guys. A hole man has three jobs. Everyone knows that the hole man should either shoot the ball or distribute it to drivers. The job that everyone forgets is that he needs to DRAW A KICK OUT. So if you can't distribute the ball or shoot it, work to draw a kick out.

I was impressed with the defense for the most part. The guys did a good job of playing in the passing lanes, stealing passes, and setting up effective counter attacks. The counter attacks wore the other team down and allowed you to play your game in the second half.

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